Konjugation - essen, fallen ... 2

Fill in the correct from of the verb
given in brackets!

Move the mouse over the yellow E
to get the translation into English.


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1.) Was ihr heute zum Mittag? (essen) What are you going to have for lunch today?

2.) Sie (sing.) in das Loch. (fallen) She falls into the hole.

3.) du mir? (helfen) Do you help me?

4.) Er am Wochenende immer lange. (schlafen) He sleeps always long at weekend.

5.) Das ich nicht. (vergessen) I won't forget that.

6.) Wir gerne Reis. (essen) We like to eat rice.

7.) Ihr nicht genug! (schlafen) You (pl.) don't sleep enough!

8.) Was du am liebsten? (essen) What's your favourite meal?

9.) Sie (pl.) ihren Großeltern. (helfen) They help their grandparents.

10.) Katzen immer auf ihre Beine. (fallen) Cats always fall on their legs.


© 2006 by Thomas Höfler